Tuesday, July 13, 2010

No Increase In College Management Quota

The state government has ruled out any increase in management quota seats in professional colleges for this academic year (2010-11).
The decision will be a boon for merit students who qualified in Eamcet and Icet as any increase in management quota seats would have automatically resulted in the decrease of convener quota seats, which has a low fee structure.

Currently, the seat sharing between the government and managements in professional colleges for engineering, pharmacy, MBA and MCA courses is in the ratio of 70:30.
The professional colleges had been asking for an increase in the management quota seats and fee structure this year. They had said that the existing pattern was unviable and was pushing the colleges towards financial crisis.

After more than two months of dilly-dallying over the issue, the state government has now conveyed to the college managements that it has no plans to increase management quota seats this year. A formal announcement on the issue will be made on July 15, when the government will take a final decision on increasing the fee structure.

The managements are now pinning their hopes on an increase in the fee structure though reports indicate that the government is not in favour of a fee hike at this stage.

Various associations of professional colleges are trying to come under one roof and put pressure on the government to hike the fee at least by 10 per cent — though they are demanding a hike of over 20 per cent.
The decision to not increase management quota seats came as a surprise for private college managements who had anticipated that the government would definitely hike the quota to ease its financial burden on account of the fee reimbursement scheme.

Source : Deccan Chronicle , July 13th, 2010

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